There are 100 script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20240506 ========================================== Observatory : tmo61 Start of Run : 02:55:40 07-May-2024 UT End of Run : 11:14:14 07-May-2024 UT Start of Run : 20:55:40 06-May-2024 Local End of Run : 05:14:14 07-May-2024 Local Run Length : 8:18:34 Total Targets : 19 Total Images : 61 ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_DCEP_HQA_AUTO time spent: 6 min 4 : DW_Cas B R SI V Project: AAVSO_Kepler_HQA_AUTO time spent: 3 min 0 : ASAS_185038 0 : ASAS_185804 0 : ASAS_190148 0 : ASAS_190343 0 : ASAS_190449 0 : ASAS_190522 0 : ASAS_190819 0 : ASAS_191806 0 : ASAS_192000 0 : HAT199_01773 0 : HAT199_07111 0 : J184706 0 : J190253 0 : J193019 0 : J193835 0 : V1154_Cyg 0 : V2279_Cyg Project: AAVSO_MISC_HJZ_AUTO time spent: 1 min 0 : M56_V6 0 : RS_Sge Project: AAVSO_MISC_HQA_AUTO time spent: 4 min 0 : BO_Cep 0 : IR_Com 0 : KN_Lyn 0 : MN84 0 : NSV_11749 0 : SS_Cyg 0 : SU_Lyn 0 : V1412_Aql 0 : V1687_Cyg 0 : V407_Cyg 0 : V413_Aql Project: AAVSO_MISC_MCJA_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : KU_Cyg Project: AAVSO_MISC_MRV_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : X_Ser Project: AAVSO_MISC_MZK_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : GZ_Cnc Project: AAVSO_MISC_OAR_AUTO time spent: 1 min 0 : Mrk_180 0 : PG_1553+113 Project: AAVSO_MISC_PYG_AUTO time spent: 8 min 0 : HS1340+1524 0 : OJ287 1 : V630_Cas V 0 : V884_Her Project: AAVSO_MISC_RNO_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : HD168418 Project: AAVSO_MISC_SFY_AUTO time spent: 1 min 0 : CSS_J212625 0 : HR_Lyr 0 : U_Leo Project: AAVSO_MISC_SGUA_AUTO time spent: 1 min 0 : PV_Cep 0 : V2492_Cyg 0 : V2493_Cyg Project: AAVSO_MISC_WEL_AUTO time spent: 4 min 0 : KP_Cyg 0 : NGC_6254 0 : NGC_7078 0 : NSV_11154 Project: AAVSO_MISC_WLP_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : J072816 Project: AAVSO_MISC_ZTO_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : X_Boo Project: AAVSO_P153_SFY_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : IX_Dra Project: AAVSO_P192_SFRA_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : FY_Aql Project: AAVSO_P194_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : V0406_Vul Project: AAVSO_P211_BENS_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : CG_Dra Project: AAVSO_P233_DKS_AUTO time spent: 0 min 0 : MV_Lyr Project: AAVSO_P246_KPRB_AUTO time spent: 16 min 5 : M3-V154 B V 6 : M5-V42 B V 6 : M5-V84 B V Project: AAVSO_P253_CDAG_AUTO time spent: 4 min 1 : V0704_And B Project: AAVSO_P255_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 2 min 0 : NSV-6690 Project: AAVSO_Pgc_Welch_AUTO time spent: 25 min 0 : IC_1276 1 : NGC_5634 SG 0 : NGC_5897 0 : NGC_6093 0 : NGC_6144 0 : NGC_6171 0 : NGC_6235 0 : NGC_6254 0 : NGC_6284 0 : NGC_6287 0 : NGC_6333 0 : NGC_6356 0 : NGC_6366 0 : NGC_6401 0 : NGC_6402 0 : NGC_6535 0 : NGC_6544 0 : NGC_6553 0 : NGC_6626 2 : NGC_6638 SG 0 : NGC_6642 0 : NGC_6656 0 : NGC_6712 0 : NGC_6717 1 : NGC_6864 SG 1 : NGC_7089 SG 1 : Pal_5 SG 0 : Ter_5 Project: AAVSO_survey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 67 min 2 : AG_Dra B V 2 : CGCS_5926 R SI 0 : CSS_J212625 4 : DW_Cas B R SI V 0 : GZ_Cnc 0 : HD168418 0 : HR_Lyr 0 : HS1340+1524 0 : IR_Com 0 : J072816 3 : KK_Cas R SI V 0 : KP_Cyg 0 : KU_Cyg 0 : M56_V6 0 : MN84 3 : Mrk_180 SU 0 : NSV_11154 0 : NSV_11749 0 : OJ287 0 : PG_1553+113 0 : PNV_17291350 0 : PV_Cep 0 : RS_Sge 0 : S5_0716+714 6 : SU_Lyn B V 0 : U_Leo 0 : U_Sco 0 : V1412_Aql 0 : V1687_Cyg 0 : V2492_Cyg 0 : V2493_Cyg 4 : V407_Cas B R SI V 0 : V407_Cyg 0 : V413_Aql 0 : V5631_Sgr 0 : V630_Cas 0 : V884_Her 8 : X_Boo B R SI V 0 : X_Ser ========================================== 61 : Total Images 145 : Total time spent (min) 47 : percent in background/survey projects 100000 : Min DB Size(MB) 0 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== NOTE: Target DW_Cas appears in 2 projects Errors encountered: File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/S5_0716+714-20240507@040957.log Line: 04:10:03 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:10:04 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/OJ287-20240507@041012.log Line: 04:10:14 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:10:15 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/PG_1553+113-20240507@041027.log Line: 04:10:42 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:10:43 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/SU_Lyn-20240507@041049.log Line: 04:11:31 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:11:32 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/PG_1553+113-20240507@041137.log Line: 04:12:14 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:12:16 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/Mrk_180-20240507@041221.log Line: 04:12:53 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:12:54 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/J072816-20240507@041259.log Line: 04:13:15 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:13:16 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/IR_Com-20240507@041322.log Line: 04:13:26 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:13:28 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/GZ_Cnc-20240507@041337.log Line: 04:14:05 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:14:06 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/U_Leo-20240507@041411.log Line: 04:14:44 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:14:45 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/X_Boo-20240507@041450.log Line: 04:14:55 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:14:56 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/IX_Dra-20240507@042210.log Line: 04:22:12 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:22:13 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/X_Ser-20240507@045645.log Line: 04:56:48 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:56:49 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/X_Ser-20240507@045701.log Line: 04:57:20 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 04:57:22 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/MV_Lyr-20240507@052204.log Line: 05:22:06 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:22:07 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NSV_11154-20240507@052521.log Line: 05:25:23 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:25:24 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NSV_11154-20240507@052536.log Line: 05:25:40 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:25:41 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_5897-20240507@052622.log Line: 05:26:24 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:26:25 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6254-20240507@054001.log Line: 05:40:03 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:40:04 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6254-20240507@054016.log Line: 05:40:36 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:40:37 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/J184706-20240507@054043.log Line: 05:40:45 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:40:46 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V884_Her-20240507@054501.log Line: 05:45:03 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:45:04 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/CG_Dra-20240507@054516.log Line: 05:45:31 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:45:32 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V884_Her-20240507@054538.log Line: 05:45:48 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:45:49 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_185038-20240507@054554.log Line: 05:46:04 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:46:05 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6171-20240507@055215.log Line: 05:52:17 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:52:18 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_190819-20240507@055547.log Line: 05:56:16 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:56:17 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_190449-20240507@055623.log Line: 05:56:32 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:56:33 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_185804-20240507@055739.log Line: 05:57:41 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:57:42 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_190343-20240507@055854.log Line: 05:58:56 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:58:57 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_190522-20240507@055940.log Line: 05:59:42 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:59:43 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_191806-20240507@060025.log Line: 06:00:27 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:00:28 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/J190253-20240507@060041.log Line: 06:00:44 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:00:45 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_190148-20240507@060529.log Line: 06:05:31 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:05:32 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/U_Sco-20240507@060916.log Line: 06:09:18 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:09:19 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V2279_Cyg-20240507@061233.log Line: 06:12:35 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:12:36 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HR_Lyr-20240507@061319.log Line: 06:13:21 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:13:22 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HR_Lyr-20240507@061334.log Line: 06:13:43 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:13:44 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6366-20240507@061419.log Line: 06:14:22 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:14:23 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/ASAS_192000-20240507@061651.log Line: 06:16:54 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:16:55 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6402-20240507@061737.log Line: 06:17:38 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:17:40 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V0406_Vul-20240507@063131.log Line: 06:31:33 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:31:34 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/J193019-20240507@063216.log Line: 06:32:29 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:32:30 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/J193835-20240507@063236.log Line: 06:32:51 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:32:52 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6535-20240507@063358.log Line: 06:34:00 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:34:01 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/M56_V6-20240507@063444.log Line: 06:35:08 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:35:09 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/M56_V6-20240507@063515.log Line: 06:35:30 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:35:31 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6093-20240507@064256.log Line: 06:42:58 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:43:00 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V1154_Cyg-20240507@064312.log Line: 06:43:37 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:43:38 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HAT199_01773-20240507@064343.log Line: 06:44:05 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:44:06 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HAT199_07111-20240507@064945.log Line: 06:49:47 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:49:48 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/PV_Cep-20240507@065302.log Line: 06:53:04 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:53:05 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/PV_Cep-20240507@065317.log Line: 06:53:19 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:53:20 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/KU_Cyg-20240507@065951.log Line: 06:59:53 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 06:59:54 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/KU_Cyg-20240507@070006.log Line: 07:00:10 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:00:11 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/KP_Cyg-20240507@070323.log Line: 07:03:25 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:03:27 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/KP_Cyg-20240507@070339.log Line: 07:03:42 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:03:43 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/IC_1276-20240507@070455.log Line: 07:04:57 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:04:58 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6356-20240507@070943.log Line: 07:09:45 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:09:46 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6333-20240507@070958.log Line: 07:10:23 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:10:24 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6235-20240507@071201.log Line: 07:12:02 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:12:03 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V1687_Cyg-20240507@071347.log Line: 07:13:49 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:13:50 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V1687_Cyg-20240507@071402.log Line: 07:14:06 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:14:07 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/PNV_17291350-20240507@072137.log Line: 07:21:39 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:21:40 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6287-20240507@072826.log Line: 07:28:28 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:28:29 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/MN84-20240507@072841.log Line: 07:29:12 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:29:13 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/MN84-20240507@072919.log Line: 07:29:23 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:29:25 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6144-20240507@073105.log Line: 07:31:07 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:31:08 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/RS_Sge-20240507@073523.log Line: 07:35:25 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:35:26 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/RS_Sge-20240507@073538.log Line: 07:35:52 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:35:54 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NSV_11749-20240507@073630.log Line: 07:36:32 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:36:33 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NSV_11749-20240507@073645.log Line: 07:37:04 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:37:05 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V2492_Cyg-20240507@074400.log Line: 07:44:02 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:44:03 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V2492_Cyg-20240507@074415.log Line: 07:44:19 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:44:20 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/FY_Aql-20240507@074601.log Line: 07:46:03 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:46:04 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V413_Aql-20240507@074616.log Line: 07:46:36 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:46:37 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V413_Aql-20240507@074643.log Line: 07:46:45 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:46:46 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6284-20240507@075000.log Line: 07:50:02 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:50:03 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V2493_Cyg-20240507@075115.log Line: 07:51:36 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:51:37 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V2493_Cyg-20240507@075143.log Line: 07:51:53 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:51:54 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V407_Cyg-20240507@075200.log Line: 07:52:01 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:52:03 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V407_Cyg-20240507@075215.log Line: 07:52:30 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:52:31 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6712-20240507@075307.log Line: 07:53:13 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:53:14 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HD168418-20240507@080112.log Line: 08:01:15 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:01:16 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/HD168418-20240507@080128.log Line: 08:01:53 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:01:54 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6401-20240507@081407.log Line: 08:14:09 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:14:10 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/BO_Cep-20240507@081839.log Line: 08:18:59 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:19:00 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V1412_Aql-20240507@082339.log Line: 08:23:41 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:23:42 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V1412_Aql-20240507@082354.log Line: 08:24:08 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:24:09 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/Ter_5-20240507@083351.log Line: 08:33:53 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:33:55 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/SS_Cyg-20240507@083608.log Line: 08:36:10 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:36:11 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/V5631_Sgr-20240507@084443.log Line: 08:44:45 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:44:46 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6544-20240507@085535.log Line: 08:55:37 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 08:55:38 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6642-20240507@090240.log Line: 09:02:42 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:02:43 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/CSS_J212625-20240507@090255.log Line: 09:03:26 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:03:27 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/CSS_J212625-20240507@090332.log Line: 09:03:48 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:03:49 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6626-20240507@091059.log Line: 09:11:01 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:11:02 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6553-20240507@091115.log Line: 09:11:45 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:11:46 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6656-20240507@091152.log Line: 09:11:54 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:11:55 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! File: /raid/data/arne/tmo61_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240506/NGC_6717-20240507@091811.log Line: 09:18:13 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 09:18:14 Message: sttgaSiTech Says: Motor(s) in Blinky Mode! ========================================== Plate solve report: pointing solutions: 24 / 26 image solutions: 37 / 50 all-sky solutions: 0 / 0