Telescope oc61 date 200101 (yymmdd)

Run at 02/29/2020 16:31:19 EST

Warnings and ErrorsΒΆ

INFO 98 total images for oc61 on 200101
WARNING 67 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 31 images without target object photometry
ERROR 98 images with invalid read mode
WARNING 11 images with target off center

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images without AUID: The target object name could not be found in the AAVSO VSX. This might be expected, as in the case of an extended object like LMC or NGC object. For a variable star the name in the ACP plan should match a name in VSX.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

Calibration File Age in DaysΒΆ

Filters used this night B,SI,SR,V
filename Age(d) Date set_temp filter
FlatB.fits 2 2019-12-30T16:30:35 -20.0 B
FlatSG.fits 103 2019-09-20T18:04:12 -30.0 SG
FlatSI.fits 2 2019-12-30T16:27:00 -20.0 SI
FlatSR.fits 103 2019-09-20T18:08:40 -30.0 SR
FlatV.fits -2 2020-01-03T16:30:14 -20.0 V
bias.fits -4 2020-01-05T14:34:32 -20.0 None
dark1.fits -4 2020-01-05T09:00:52 -20.0 None
dark10.fits -4 2020-01-05T09:14:42 -20.0 None
dark100.fits -4 2020-01-05T09:40:13 -20.0 None
dark3.fits -4 2020-01-05T10:52:32 -20.0 None
dark30.fits -4 2020-01-05T11:09:03 -20.0 None
dark300.fits -4 2020-01-05T12:00:17 -20.0 None

CCD set point vs operating temperatureΒΆ

Maximum delta temperature 0.12 C

Images by Target ObjectΒΆ


AUID 000-BCW-888

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:22:01 B 10.0 1.015745 a0129.fits 9.964 0.007 792.57
2020-01-01 13:22:17 B 10.0 1.015629 a0130.fits 9.812 0.006 930.40
2020-01-01 13:22:33 B 10.0 1.015521 a0131.fits 9.873 0.007 877.76
2020-01-01 13:22:50 V 5.0 1.015439 a0132.fits Y 4.635915 9.139 0.004 1825.74
2020-01-01 13:23:03 V 5.0 1.015351 a0133.fits Y 4.270400 9.171 0.004 1708.63
2020-01-01 13:23:16 V 5.0 1.015263 a0134.fits Y 4.461272 12.916 0.076 1628.64
2020-01-01 13:23:30 SR 3.0 1.015180 a0135.fits Y 4.406461 9.029 0.004 2091.50
2020-01-01 13:23:40 SR 3.0 1.015113 a0136.fits Y 5.953238 9.092 0.004 1811.62
2020-01-01 13:23:50 SR 3.0 1.015047 a0137.fits Y 4.409194 9.081 0.004 1883.21
2020-01-01 13:24:01 SI 5.0 1.014961 a0138.fits Y 4.649496 9.038 0.004 1787.84
2020-01-01 13:24:13 SI 5.0 1.014882 a0139.fits Y 4.703405 9.604 0.006 1097.79
2020-01-01 13:24:25 SI 5.0 1.014805 a0140.fits Y 5.655366 8.978 0.004 1936.23


AUID 000-BCV-124

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:26:26 B 10.0 1.109279 a0141.fits 15.847 0.879 38.79
2020-01-01 13:26:43 B 10.0 1.109034 a0142.fits 8.756 0.004 2146.71
2020-01-01 13:27:00 B 10.0 1.108811 a0143.fits 9.026 0.004 1537.53
2020-01-01 13:27:17 V 5.0 1.108646 a0144.fits Y 3.624823 8.221 0.003 3395.66
2020-01-01 13:27:30 V 5.0 1.108466 a0145.fits 8.258 0.003 3262.63
2020-01-01 13:27:42 V 5.0 1.108295 a0146.fits 7.993 0.002 4573.82
2020-01-01 13:27:55 SR 3.0 1.108152 a0147.fits 7.732 0.002 6057.59
2020-01-01 13:28:03 SR 3.0 1.108039 a0148.fits 7.885 0.002 4871.98
2020-01-01 13:28:11 SR 3.0 1.107927 a0149.fits 7.833 0.002 5466.46
2020-01-01 13:28:20 SI 5.0 1.107777 a0150.fits Y 4.330928 8.244 0.003 3434.56
2020-01-01 13:28:32 SI 5.0 1.107606 a0151.fits Y 4.125004 7.355 0.002 9058.63
2020-01-01 13:28:56 SI 5.0 1.106450 a0152.fits 16.445 1.483 35.82


AUID 000-BCV-263

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:40:01 B 10.0 1.432055 a0177.fits
2020-01-01 13:40:18 B 10.0 1.430869 a0178.fits
2020-01-01 13:40:35 B 10.0 1.429778 a0179.fits
2020-01-01 13:40:52 V 5.0 1.428973 a0180.fits 16.162 1.165 42.50
2020-01-01 13:41:03 V 5.0 1.428162 a0181.fits
2020-01-01 13:41:14 V 5.0 1.427441 a0182.fits 17.232 3.216 39.22
2020-01-01 13:41:26 SR 3.0 1.426744 a0183.fits 16.066 1.094 34.65
2020-01-01 13:41:35 SR 3.0 1.426081 a0184.fits
2020-01-01 13:41:44 SR 3.0 1.425551 a0185.fits 16.556 1.694 42.41
2020-01-01 13:41:53 SI 5.0 1.424765 a0186.fits
2020-01-01 13:42:04 SI 5.0 1.424000 a0187.fits
2020-01-01 13:42:14 SI 5.0 1.423335 a0188.fits 16.120 1.130 42.36


AUID 000-BCW-881

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:31:05 B 10.0 1.018704 a0153.fits
2020-01-01 13:31:22 B 10.0 1.018851 a0154.fits 16.245 1.239 39.42
2020-01-01 13:31:38 B 10.0 1.018995 a0155.fits
2020-01-01 13:31:56 V 5.0 1.019099 a0156.fits Y 5.293848 15.437 0.593 39.02
2020-01-01 13:32:21 V 5.0 1.019372 a0157.fits
2020-01-01 13:32:33 V 5.0 1.019477 a0158.fits 15.400 0.561 35.32
2020-01-01 13:32:45 SR 3.0 1.019572 a0159.fits
2020-01-01 13:32:54 SR 3.0 1.019652 a0160.fits 17.499 3.965 34.37
2020-01-01 13:33:02 SR 3.0 1.019721 a0161.fits
2020-01-01 13:33:11 SI 5.0 1.019820 a0162.fits
2020-01-01 13:33:22 SI 5.0 1.019918 a0163.fits
2020-01-01 13:33:31 SI 5.0 1.020010 a0164.fits


AUID 000-BCV-264

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:37:08 B 10.0 1.454454 a0165.fits
2020-01-01 13:37:25 B 10.0 1.453322 a0166.fits
2020-01-01 13:37:42 B 10.0 1.452234 a0167.fits
2020-01-01 13:37:59 V 5.0 1.451426 a0168.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:11 V 5.0 1.450643 a0169.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:21 V 5.0 1.449925 a0170.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:34 SR 3.0 1.449196 a0171.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:42 SR 3.0 1.448657 a0172.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:50 SR 3.0 1.448129 a0173.fits
2020-01-01 13:38:59 SI 5.0 1.447392 a0174.fits
2020-01-01 13:39:09 SI 5.0 1.446671 a0175.fits 15.576 0.693 30.42
2020-01-01 13:39:19 SI 5.0 1.446037 a0176.fits


AUID 000-BBN-215

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:17:11 B 10.0 1.208889 a0117.fits Y 2.982643 15.066 0.574 158.98
2020-01-01 13:17:29 B 10.0 1.208832 a0118.fits 6.652 0.001 14972.97
2020-01-01 13:17:46 B 10.0 1.208781 a0119.fits 6.570 0.001 16753.63
2020-01-01 13:18:03 V 5.0 1.208745 a0120.fits Y 4.735732 5.930 0.001 28032.80
2020-01-01 13:18:16 V 5.0 1.208706 a0121.fits 8.632 0.004 31065.58
2020-01-01 13:18:28 V 5.0 1.208673 a0122.fits 8.545 0.004 32992.69
2020-01-01 13:18:40 SR 3.0 1.208641 a0123.fits Y 5.429256 12.985 0.096 980.58
2020-01-01 13:18:51 SR 3.0 1.208613 a0124.fits Y 4.769090 13.097 0.113 745.18
2020-01-01 13:19:01 SR 3.0 1.208586 a0125.fits Y 5.092875 11.835 0.034 8889.17
2020-01-01 13:19:12 SI 5.0 1.208550 a0126.fits Y 4.669689 13.158 0.115 716.75
2020-01-01 13:19:25 SI 5.0 1.208518 a0127.fits Y 5.318274 13.244 0.127 583.30
2020-01-01 13:19:48 SI 5.0 1.207073 a0128.fits Y 4.874486 5.204 0.001 63276.70


AUID 000-BCY-259

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 12:48:05 B 100.0 1.727160 a0101.fits Y 6.906964 15.701 1.010 63.98
2020-01-01 12:49:53 B 100.0 1.719479 a0102.fits 13.817 0.572 89.88
2020-01-01 12:51:41 B 100.0 1.712038 a0103.fits 13.340 0.134 138.06
2020-01-01 12:53:26 B 100.0 1.704699 a0104.fits 13.106 0.104 131.16
2020-01-01 12:55:12 B 100.0 1.697423 a0105.fits 13.752 0.180 122.98
2020-01-01 12:56:57 B 100.0 1.690202 a0106.fits 12.899 0.089 151.62
2020-01-01 12:58:43 B 100.0 1.682996 a0107.fits 13.058 0.101 1105.46
2020-01-01 13:00:30 V 100.0 1.675752 a0108.fits Y 7.242443 11.443 0.027 264.79
2020-01-01 13:02:19 V 100.0 1.668554 a0109.fits Y 8.229108 13.665 0.381 139.63
2020-01-01 13:04:07 V 100.0 1.661410 a0110.fits Y 8.056451 11.452 0.042 227.34
2020-01-01 13:05:57 SR 60.0 1.656808 a0111.fits Y 6.967016 11.201 0.026 545.16
2020-01-01 13:07:04 SR 60.0 1.652435 a0112.fits Y 7.252998 10.520 0.014 477.60
2020-01-01 13:08:11 SR 60.0 1.648086 a0113.fits Y 7.984176 13.308 0.216 395.14
2020-01-01 13:09:19 SI 100.0 1.641096 a0114.fits Y 6.242789 9.671 0.009 1062.05
2020-01-01 13:11:06 SI 100.0 1.634194 a0115.fits Y 6.844060 11.348 0.029 736.78
2020-01-01 13:12:53 SI 100.0 1.627357 a0116.fits Y 6.450862 9.790 0.009 962.72


AUID 000-BBM-355

DateTime filter exptime airmass filename has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu tnimage
2020-01-01 13:44:50 B 180.0 1.332952 a0189.fits 17.629 4.840 54.99
2020-01-01 13:48:03 B 180.0 1.336773 a0190.fits
2020-01-01 13:51:15 B 180.0 1.340827 a0191.fits 99.999 9.999 66.49
2020-01-01 13:54:27 B 180.0 1.345160 a0192.fits
2020-01-01 13:57:39 B 180.0 1.349754 a0193.fits
2020-01-01 14:00:51 B 180.0 1.354665 a0194.fits
2020-01-01 14:04:05 V 120.0 1.358236 a0195.fits 12.779 0.059 102.68
2020-01-01 14:06:19 V 120.0 1.361938 a0196.fits 12.733 0.056 155.93
2020-01-01 14:08:30 V 120.0 1.365723 a0197.fits
2020-01-01 14:10:43 V 120.0 1.369687 a0198.fits 17.209 3.368 70.38

Remark-o-matic Image ViewΒΆ

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:48:05 a0101.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 Y 15.701 1.01 63.98 0.01 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:49:53 a0102.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 13.817 0.572 89.88 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:51:41 a0103.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 13.34 0.134 138.06 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:53:26 a0104.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 13.106 0.104 131.16 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:55:12 a0105.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 13.752 0.18 122.98 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:56:57 a0106.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 12.899 0.089 151.62 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 12:58:43 a0107.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 13.058 0.101 1105.46 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:00:30 a0108.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 Y 11.443 0.027 264.79 0.42 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:02:19 a0109.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 Y 13.665 0.381 139.63 0.43 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:04:07 a0110.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 Y 11.452 0.042 227.34 0.44 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:05:57 a0111.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 Y 11.201 0.026 545.16 0.44 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:07:04 a0112.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 Y 10.52 0.014 477.6 0.44 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:08:11 a0113.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 Y 13.308 0.216 395.14 0.47 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:09:19 a0114.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 Y 9.671 0.009 1062.05 0.47 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:11:06 a0115.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 Y 11.348 0.029 736.78 0.48 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:12:53 a0116.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 Y 9.79 0.009 962.72 0.5 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:17:11 a0117.fits U_Mon B 10.0 Y 15.066 0.574 158.98 1.77 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:17:29 a0118.fits U_Mon B 10.0 6.652 0.001 14972.97 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:17:46 a0119.fits U_Mon B 10.0 6.57 0.001 16753.63 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:18:03 a0120.fits U_Mon V 5.0 Y 5.93 0.001 28032.8 1.79 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:18:16 a0121.fits U_Mon V 5.0 8.632 0.004 31065.58 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:18:28 a0122.fits U_Mon V 5.0 8.545 0.004 32992.69 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:18:40 a0123.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 Y 12.985 0.096 980.58 1.76 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:18:51 a0124.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 Y 13.097 0.113 745.18 1.78 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:19:01 a0125.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 Y 11.835 0.034 8889.17 1.78 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:19:12 a0126.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 Y 13.158 0.115 716.75 1.77 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:19:25 a0127.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 Y 13.244 0.127 583.3 5.86 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:19:48 a0128.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 Y 5.204 0.001 63276.7 1.72 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:22:01 a0129.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 9.964 0.007 792.57 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:22:17 a0130.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 9.812 0.006 930.4 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:22:33 a0131.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 9.873 0.007 877.76 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:22:50 a0132.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 Y 9.139 0.004 1825.74 0.03 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:23:03 a0133.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 Y 9.171 0.004 1708.63 0.04 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:23:16 a0134.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 Y 12.916 0.076 1628.64 0.06 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:23:30 a0135.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 Y 9.029 0.004 2091.5 0.06 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:23:40 a0136.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 Y 9.092 0.004 1811.62 0.06 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:23:50 a0137.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 Y 9.081 0.004 1883.21 0.05 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:24:01 a0138.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 Y 9.038 0.004 1787.84 0.06 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:24:13 a0139.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 Y 9.604 0.006 1097.79 0.05 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:24:25 a0140.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 Y 8.978 0.004 1936.23 0.07 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:26:26 a0141.fits IW_Car B 10.0 15.847 0.879 38.79 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:26:43 a0142.fits IW_Car B 10.0 8.756 0.004 2146.71 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:27:00 a0143.fits IW_Car B 10.0 9.026 0.004 1537.53 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:27:17 a0144.fits IW_Car V 5.0 Y 8.221 0.003 3395.66 2.22 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:27:30 a0145.fits IW_Car V 5.0 8.258 0.003 3262.63 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:27:42 a0146.fits IW_Car V 5.0 7.993 0.002 4573.82 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:27:55 a0147.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 7.732 0.002 6057.59 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:28:03 a0148.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 7.885 0.002 4871.98 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:28:11 a0149.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 7.833 0.002 5466.46 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:28:20 a0150.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 Y 8.244 0.003 3434.56 2.23 not reviewed

images 151 to 198

DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:28:32 a0151.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 Y 7.355 0.002 9058.63 9.2 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:28:56 a0152.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 16.445 1.483 35.82 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:31:05 a0153.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:31:22 a0154.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 16.245 1.239 39.42 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:31:38 a0155.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:31:56 a0156.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 Y 15.437 0.593 39.02 6.77 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:32:21 a0157.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:32:33 a0158.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 15.4 0.561 35.32 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:32:45 a0159.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:32:54 a0160.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 17.499 3.965 34.37 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:33:02 a0161.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:33:11 a0162.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:33:22 a0163.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:33:31 a0164.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:37:08 a0165.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:37:25 a0166.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:37:42 a0167.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:37:59 a0168.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:11 a0169.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:21 a0170.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:34 a0171.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:42 a0172.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:50 a0173.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:38:59 a0174.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:39:09 a0175.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 15.576 0.693 30.42 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:39:19 a0176.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:40:01 a0177.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:40:18 a0178.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:40:35 a0179.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:40:52 a0180.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 16.162 1.165 42.5 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:03 a0181.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:14 a0182.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 17.232 3.216 39.22 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:26 a0183.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 16.066 1.094 34.65 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:35 a0184.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:44 a0185.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 16.556 1.694 42.41 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:41:53 a0186.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:42:04 a0187.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:42:14 a0188.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 16.12 1.13 42.36 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:44:50 a0189.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 17.629 4.84 54.99 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:48:03 a0190.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:51:15 a0191.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 99.999 9.999 66.49 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:54:27 a0192.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 13:57:39 a0193.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 14:00:51 a0194.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 14:04:05 a0195.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 12.779 0.059 102.68 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 14:06:19 a0196.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 12.733 0.056 155.93 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 14:08:30 a0197.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 not reviewed
DateTime filename objid filter exptime has_wcs mag err maxadu center2obj review
2020-01-01 14:10:43 a0198.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 17.209 3.368 70.38 not reviewed

Image TableΒΆ

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 12:48:05 a0101.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.727160 Y 6.906964 15.701 1.010 63.98 000-BCY-259 0.01 8850.03339 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999691 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 12:49:53 a0102.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.719479 13.817 0.572 89.88 000-BCY-259 8850.03464 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 12:51:41 a0103.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.712038 13.340 0.134 138.06 000-BCY-259 8850.03589 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 12:53:26 a0104.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.704699 13.106 0.104 131.16 000-BCY-259 8850.03711 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 12:55:12 a0105.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.697423 13.752 0.180 122.98 000-BCY-259 8850.03833 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 12:56:57 a0106.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.690202 12.899 0.089 151.62 000-BCY-259 8850.03955 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 12:58:43 a0107.fits V1047_Cen B 100.0 1.682996 13.058 0.101 1105.46 000-BCY-259 8850.04078 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:00:30 a0108.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 1.675752 Y 7.242443 11.443 0.027 264.79 000-BCY-259 0.42 8850.04201 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.997876 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:02:19 a0109.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 1.668554 Y 8.229108 13.665 0.381 139.63 000-BCY-259 0.43 8850.04328 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999608 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:04:07 a0110.fits V1047_Cen V 100.0 1.661410 Y 8.056451 11.452 0.042 227.34 000-BCY-259 0.44 8850.04453 -19.9375 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999316 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:05:57 a0111.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 1.656808 Y 6.967016 11.201 0.026 545.16 000-BCY-259 0.44 8850.04580 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998234 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:07:04 a0112.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 1.652435 Y 7.252998 10.520 0.014 477.60 000-BCY-259 0.44 8850.04657 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999444 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:08:11 a0113.fits V1047_Cen SR 60.0 1.648086 Y 7.984176 13.308 0.216 395.14 000-BCY-259 0.47 8850.04735 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998127 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:09:19 a0114.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 1.641096 Y 6.242789 9.671 0.009 1062.05 000-BCY-259 0.47 8850.04814 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998641 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:11:06 a0115.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 1.634194 Y 6.844060 11.348 0.029 736.78 000-BCY-259 0.48 8850.04937 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999477 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:12:53 a0116.fits V1047_Cen SI 100.0 1.627357 Y 6.450862 9.790 0.009 962.72 000-BCY-259 0.50 8850.05061 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998948 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:17:11 a0117.fits U_Mon B 10.0 1.208889 Y 2.982643 15.066 0.574 158.98 000-BBN-215 1.77 8850.05360 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 7.001234 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:17:29 a0118.fits U_Mon B 10.0 1.208832 6.652 0.001 14972.97 000-BBN-215 8850.05381 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:17:46 a0119.fits U_Mon B 10.0 1.208781 6.570 0.001 16753.63 000-BBN-215 8850.05400 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:18:03 a0120.fits U_Mon V 5.0 1.208745 Y 4.735732 5.930 0.001 28032.80 000-BBN-215 1.79 8850.05420 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 7.000751 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:18:16 a0121.fits U_Mon V 5.0 1.208706 8.632 0.004 31065.58 000-BBN-215 8850.05435 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:18:28 a0122.fits U_Mon V 5.0 1.208673 8.545 0.004 32992.69 000-BBN-215 8850.05449 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:18:40 a0123.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 1.208641 Y 5.429256 12.985 0.096 980.58 000-BBN-215 1.76 8850.05463 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.958813 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:18:51 a0124.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 1.208613 Y 4.769090 13.097 0.113 745.18 000-BBN-215 1.78 8850.05476 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.971109 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:19:01 a0125.fits U_Mon SR 3.0 1.208586 Y 5.092875 11.835 0.034 8889.17 000-BBN-215 1.78 8850.05487 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.985961 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:19:12 a0126.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 1.208550 Y 4.669689 13.158 0.115 716.75 000-BBN-215 1.77 8850.05500 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.997101 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:19:25 a0127.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 1.208518 Y 5.318274 13.244 0.127 583.30 000-BBN-215 5.86 8850.05515 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.331055 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:19:48 a0128.fits U_Mon SI 5.0 1.207073 Y 4.874486 5.204 0.001 63276.70 000-BBN-215 1.72 8850.05542 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 7.003623 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:22:01 a0129.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 1.015745 9.964 0.007 792.57 000-BCW-888 8850.05696 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:22:17 a0130.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 1.015629 9.812 0.006 930.40 000-BCW-888 8850.05714 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:22:33 a0131.fits AR_Pup B 10.0 1.015521 9.873 0.007 877.76 000-BCW-888 8850.05733 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:22:50 a0132.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 1.015439 Y 4.635915 9.139 0.004 1825.74 000-BCW-888 0.03 8850.05752 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.985476 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:23:03 a0133.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 1.015351 Y 4.270400 9.171 0.004 1708.63 000-BCW-888 0.04 8850.05767 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.999062 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:23:16 a0134.fits AR_Pup V 5.0 1.015263 Y 4.461272 12.916 0.076 1628.64 000-BCW-888 0.06 8850.05782 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.992868 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:23:30 a0135.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 1.015180 Y 4.406461 9.029 0.004 2091.50 000-BCW-888 0.06 8850.05799 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.992433 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:23:40 a0136.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 1.015113 Y 5.953238 9.092 0.004 1811.62 000-BCW-888 0.06 8850.05810 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.975603 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:23:50 a0137.fits AR_Pup SR 3.0 1.015047 Y 4.409194 9.081 0.004 1883.21 000-BCW-888 0.05 8850.05822 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998778 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:24:01 a0138.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 1.014961 Y 4.649496 9.038 0.004 1787.84 000-BCW-888 0.06 8850.05834 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.998764 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:24:13 a0139.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 1.014882 Y 4.703405 9.604 0.006 1097.79 000-BCW-888 0.05 8850.05848 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 7.000081 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:24:25 a0140.fits AR_Pup SI 5.0 1.014805 Y 5.655366 8.978 0.004 1936.23 000-BCW-888 0.07 8850.05862 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 7.005475 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:26:26 a0141.fits IW_Car B 10.0 1.109279 15.847 0.879 38.79 000-BCV-124 8850.06002 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:26:43 a0142.fits IW_Car B 10.0 1.109034 8.756 0.004 2146.71 000-BCV-124 8850.06022 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:27:00 a0143.fits IW_Car B 10.0 1.108811 9.026 0.004 1537.53 000-BCV-124 8850.06042 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:27:17 a0144.fits IW_Car V 5.0 1.108646 Y 3.624823 8.221 0.003 3395.66 000-BCV-124 2.22 8850.06061 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.98372 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:27:30 a0145.fits IW_Car V 5.0 1.108466 8.258 0.003 3262.63 000-BCV-124 8850.06076 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:27:42 a0146.fits IW_Car V 5.0 1.108295 7.993 0.002 4573.82 000-BCV-124 8850.06090 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:27:55 a0147.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 1.108152 7.732 0.002 6057.59 000-BCV-124 8850.06105 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:28:03 a0148.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 1.108039 7.885 0.002 4871.98 000-BCV-124 8850.06115 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:28:11 a0149.fits IW_Car SR 3.0 1.107927 7.833 0.002 5466.46 000-BCV-124 8850.06124 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:28:20 a0150.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 1.107777 Y 4.330928 8.244 0.003 3434.56 000-BCV-124 2.23 8850.06134 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.969065 not reviewed Y

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DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:28:32 a0151.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 1.107606 Y 4.125004 7.355 0.002 9058.63 000-BCV-124 9.2 8850.06148 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.818863 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:28:56 a0152.fits IW_Car SI 5.0 1.106450 16.445 1.483 35.82 000-BCV-124 8850.06176 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:31:05 a0153.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 1.018704 000-BCW-881 8850.06325 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:31:22 a0154.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 1.018851 16.245 1.239 39.42 000-BCW-881 8850.06345 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:31:38 a0155.fits ST_Pup B 10.0 1.018995 000-BCW-881 8850.06363 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:31:56 a0156.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 1.019099 Y 5.293848 15.437 0.593 39.02 000-BCW-881 6.77 8850.06384 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 6.584056 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:32:21 a0157.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 1.019372 000-BCW-881 8850.06413 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:32:33 a0158.fits ST_Pup V 5.0 1.019477 15.400 0.561 35.32 000-BCW-881 8850.06427 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:32:45 a0159.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 1.019572 000-BCW-881 8850.06441 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:32:54 a0160.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 1.019652 17.499 3.965 34.37 000-BCW-881 8850.06451 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:33:02 a0161.fits ST_Pup SR 3.0 1.019721 000-BCW-881 8850.06461 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:33:11 a0162.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 1.019820 000-BCW-881 8850.06471 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:33:22 a0163.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 1.019918 000-BCW-881 8850.06484 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:33:31 a0164.fits ST_Pup SI 5.0 1.020010 000-BCW-881 8850.06494 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:37:08 a0165.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 1.454454 000-BCV-264 8850.06745 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:37:25 a0166.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 1.453322 000-BCV-264 8850.06765 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:37:42 a0167.fits SX_Cen B 10.0 1.452234 000-BCV-264 8850.06785 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:37:59 a0168.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 1.451426 000-BCV-264 8850.06804 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:38:11 a0169.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 1.450643 000-BCV-264 8850.06818 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:38:21 a0170.fits SX_Cen V 5.0 1.449925 000-BCV-264 8850.06830 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:38:34 a0171.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 1.449196 000-BCV-264 8850.06845 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:38:42 a0172.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 1.448657 000-BCV-264 8850.06854 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:38:50 a0173.fits SX_Cen SR 3.0 1.448129 000-BCV-264 8850.06863 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:38:59 a0174.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 1.447392 000-BCV-264 8850.06874 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:39:09 a0175.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 1.446671 15.576 0.693 30.42 000-BCV-264 8850.06885 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:39:19 a0176.fits SX_Cen SI 5.0 1.446037 000-BCV-264 8850.06897 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:40:01 a0177.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 1.432055 000-BCV-263 8850.06946 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:40:18 a0178.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 1.430869 000-BCV-263 8850.06965 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:40:35 a0179.fits RU_Cen B 10.0 1.429778 000-BCV-263 8850.06985 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:40:52 a0180.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 1.428973 16.162 1.165 42.5 000-BCV-263 8850.07005 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:41:03 a0181.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 1.428162 000-BCV-263 8850.07017 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:41:14 a0182.fits RU_Cen V 5.0 1.427441 17.232 3.216 39.22 000-BCV-263 8850.07030 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:41:26 a0183.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 1.426744 16.066 1.094 34.65 000-BCV-263 8850.07044 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:41:35 a0184.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 1.426081 000-BCV-263 8850.07054 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:41:44 a0185.fits RU_Cen SR 3.0 1.425551 16.556 1.694 42.41 000-BCV-263 8850.07065 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:41:53 a0186.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 1.424765 000-BCV-263 8850.07075 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:42:04 a0187.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 1.424000 000-BCV-263 8850.07088 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:42:14 a0188.fits RU_Cen SI 5.0 1.423335 16.120 1.13 42.36 000-BCV-263 8850.07100 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:44:50 a0189.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.332952 17.629 4.84 54.99 000-BBM-355 8850.07280 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:48:03 a0190.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.336773 000-BBM-355 8850.07503 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 13:51:15 a0191.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.340827 99.999 9.999 66.49 000-BBM-355 8850.07726 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:54:27 a0192.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.345160 000-BBM-355 8850.07948 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 13:57:39 a0193.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.349754 000-BBM-355 8850.08170 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 14:00:51 a0194.fits V838_Mon B 180.0 1.354665 000-BBM-355 8850.08392 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 14:04:05 a0195.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 1.358236 12.779 0.059 102.68 000-BBM-355 8850.08617 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass has_wcs fwhm mag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin review image_available
2020-01-01 14:06:19 a0196.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 1.361938 12.733 0.056 155.93 000-BBM-355 8850.08772 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 14:08:30 a0197.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 1.365723 000-BBM-355 8850.08924 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y
2020-01-01 14:10:43 a0198.fits V838_Mon V 120.0 1.369687 17.209 3.368 70.38 000-BBM-355 8850.09078 -19.875 -20.0 LIGHT 8 MPPS High Speed 2x2 not reviewed Y

Column DefinitionsΒΆ

DateTime: UTC timestamp

filename: Image filename in IRAF processing and as JPEG thumbnail

link: Hyperlink to JPEG thumbnail

objid: Target object ID as defined in ACP plan and in FITS header

filter: Photometric filter used

exptime: Exposure time in sec

airmass: Airmass during exposure

has_wcs: Image was plate solved at observatory and World Coordinate Systems attributes (WCS) attributes were placed in FITS header.

fwhm: Full Width Half Max star images as measured at observatory

mag: Target object magnitude as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

err: Target object magnitude error as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

maxadu: Target object maximum ADU as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

auid: AAVSO Unique Identifier for the target object

center2obj: Separation of target object from center of the image in arcmin

JD: Julian date - 2540000

ccd_temp: Camera sensor temperature (C)

set_temp: Camera cooler set point temperatur (C)

img_type: Image type; "Light" is expected; "Flat", "Dark" or "Bias" indicate a mixup in the telescope computer settings

read_mode: Various values, but this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

binning: X and Y binning of sensor pixels; this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

fov_radius_amin: Radius of field of view for the camera sensor across the shorter dimension in arcmin

image_available: This should also be yes(Y) unless a failure in the HQ computer sysem

tnimage Small image thumbnail that will open the full JPEG thumbnail image in a new tab

review If the image has been reviewed by the advocate this will either contain the comments made by the advocate or "reviewed" if there were no comments. Otherwise it will contain "not reviewed".